Saturday, March 28, 2009

As the softball schedule changes...

The wet winter weather in Durant, Oklahoma (it's 37 degrees there right now) forced the cancellation of this weekend's 2009 Lone Star Conference Softball Crossover. Fortunately, LSC officials made the call to scratch the three-day, 42-game event early enough on Friday that our TWU softball team did not make the drive up there.

After being notified of the cancelled tournament, Coach Bruister (pictured) went to work right away to fill the voids on his team's schedule this weekend. Abilene Christian was already in Durant, so Richie called the Wildcats' head coach - the always pleasant Chantiel Wilson - and convinced them to stop here in Denton on their way home and play a (non-conference) doubleheader against our team on Friday afternoon (read about those games here). He also got a hold of Cameron University head coach Beth Watson and worked it out so the Aggies will come to Denton on Sunday afternoon to play a 2/4 p.m. doubleheader. Hopefully all of our TWU softball fans will come out to Pioneer Field and enjoy some "bonus" softball!

I've got to give credit to Coach Bruister. A lot of coaches would have just pulled the plug on this weekend because of the weather. But - knowing that his team needs in-region games to enhance their postseason chances - he scrambled to find opponents, umpires, and staff to run these games. High five to him.

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